Sunday, June 15, 2008

In the begining of the Trek we were given a family and now I know how mom and Colette feel. Sorry, Dad and Mike too. I had 13 kids for 4 days and it was so much fun. This top picture is us.
I had to get one with Todd and Cheryl Christensen for Colette. They were Ma's and Pa's with us. What a blast they are. This picture was taken on "Pioneer Sabbath" right before the big fireside. Pres. Pugmire gave an amazing sermon and they asked all the youth to stand and raise thier arm to the square and covenant to always be worthy to take the sacrament, enter and attend the temple and the young men covenanted to serve a mission. They promised all the youth in attendance (he specifically said not all the youth in the stake only those that were obedient to come on the trek) wonderful blessings from our Heavenly Father. It was incredible!! The spirit was very strong.

The mountain in the background is the "Rocky Ridge" that each family (19) had to push thier handcarts up, and bring them down again. This event occured 45 min after the "women's pull". To say the least we were spent and slept very well that night. Jason nor I heard the bear that ran right past us in the night that Bro. Judd chased out of camp!Ahhh! The picture of Jason and I with our sweet Mckenzie is taken sideways and I don't know how to turn it so when I figure that out I will post it. She did very well. The entire Trek was about 18 miles. We love those strong pioneers. They suffered so much for us. What an experience!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Bryton said you were the best Ma :)
Thank you for being so kind to him. He was really mad about having to go, but he had a good time and some wonderful experiences. Thank you.

Fourth of July Burke Family Reunion!!

rocky point 2007